Dear Winnipeg

A Fun Blog About Infrastructure and Municipal Finance


About Dear Winnipeg

You’ll notice that comments are closed on all posts here. That’s partly for my own sanity, but partly because while this blog is meant to be a conversation starter, it’s just not for a conversation with me.

If I write something that really makes you angry (or happy, or sad, or whatever else), don’t tell me about it. Starting an online fight with you is not my goal here.

Instead, take that ball of emotion and use it productively by starting a conversation IRL with your family, neighbours, co-workers and especially, your City Councillor. Don’t know how to reach your Councillor? Go here. Don’t know which ward you are in? Find it in the Citizen’s Information Service by looking up your address here.

About Elmwood Guy

I live in Elmwood. I am a guy. Apart from those two things, other tidbits about me that you may find interesting are:

  • My real name is Michel Durand-Wood.
  • I am happily married to WinnipegOMyHeart.
  • I am the father of 3 young children.
  • I love my neighbourhood of Glenelm.
  • I have no special training or education in city planning, municipal finance, infrastructure maintenance, or anything else I talk about here. I am just a guy, in love with a city, asking it to make better use of my tax dollars.

Guest Contributors

Here is a list of all the awesome Winnipeggers who have contributed writing here (click for bio):