Dear Winnipeg

A Fun Blog About Infrastructure and Municipal Finance
About Elmwood Guy

I live in Elmwood. I am a guy. Apart from those two things, other tidbits about me that you may find interesting are:

  • My real name is Michel Durand-Wood.
  • I am happily married to WinnipegOMyHeart.
  • I am the father of 3 young children.
  • I love my neighbourhood of Glenelm.
  • I have no formal training or education in city planning, municipal finance, infrastructure maintenance, or anything else I talk about here. I am just a guy, in love with a city, asking it to make better use of my tax dollars.
  • Still, I have been invited to speak throughout North America.
  • And I have a (fun) new book on municipal finance coming out in Canada on May 20th, 2025, and on June 24th, 2025 in the US and the UK. It’s available for pre-order now at, McNally Robinson Booksellers, Chapters Indigo, Amazon, or wherever you buy books. You can also reserve it from the Winnipeg Public Library. In the US, you can buy it at, Barnes & Noble, Amazon or, again, wherever you buy books. In the UK, you’ll find it at Browns Books, and wherever you buy books. Support your local bookshop and library whenever you can!


Letters by Elmwood Guy